Date 17 June 2021
Pages 299
Format cm 16 x 22
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782362664311
Publisher Website


Publisher Talents Hauts
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
A suspenseful and chilling dystopia that begins with an accident during a world health crisis.

"You are an immemorant. Following the accident at Normaphen laboratory on July 8, 2012, you lost your ability to preserve your memories. Each time you go into REM sleep, your brain destroys the information stored during your wakefulness. Your last memory goes back to the day of the accident." The 30,000 immemorants living in the Normaphen-run "Institute" have been waking up to this unsettling message for a decade. Actually, with the Army's help, the lab has been looking for a truth serum and using them as guinea pigs. Emma, an Institute researcher, decides to kidnap four immemorants in order to develop a real treatment and become a whistleblower about what's really going on.