Date 13 September 2022
Pages 198
Format cm 20 x 26
Price € 22.90
EAN 9782379352966
Publisher Website

Forgotten Figures in Science

Publisher Alisio
Age All Ages
What if the history of science as we know it is all wrong? Einstein shouldn't be the only name synonymous with science!

Set off on a journey of discovery through science history and meet 48 exciting, original, endearing men and women who, due at times to their megalomaniacal or procrastinating tendencies, but more often to sexism or racism, were unfairly excluded from history. ont été injustement évincés. With her spirited pen, Camille Van Belle resurrects these forgotten figures and their discoveries, opening new horizons for readers and feeding their curiosity about the universe, from its galaxies to its atoms.

  • Sales in France 4,000 copies
  • Rights Sold China, South Korea
  • As of: March 2023