Date 07 June 2017
Pages 157
Format cm 15 x 27
Price € 18.95
EAN 9782756085524
Publisher Website

The Body Factory: From the First Prosthetics to Augmented Humans

Publisher Delcourt
Age All Ages
Ranging from early amputations and prostheses to actual transhumanism, this is a scientific work which addresses one of the most amazing challenges in medicine today.

A young man who has had a limb amputated wakes up in the hospital and begins a fantasized dialogue with Ambroise Paré, a barber-surgeon who is considered the father of modern surgery. They look back at the history of medicine and its approach to amputation. The slightly absurdist premise of this sublime yet focused work of fiction reveals the intimate scientific adventure such procedures entail without ever stooping to lecture or bathos.

  • Rights Sold Simplified Chinese, English (world), Italian, Korean
  • As of: March 2023