Date 04 March 2016
Pages 69
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782803636396
Publisher Website

The Little Book of Knowledge

The Universe
Publisher Le Lombard
SERIES The Little Book of Knowledge
Age All Ages
Talent science popularizer Hubert Reeves explains what we know today about the creation of the universe.

These pocket-sized hardcover educational books tackle subjects as varied as artificial intelligence, sharks, heavy metal, and the history of prostitution. Each volume in the series is written and drawn by a different writer-artist pair. Internationally renowned experts in the fields work with comics luminaries, a unique alchemy that results in unpredictably stunning work every time!

  • Sales in France 18,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Chinese, Czech, English, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Russian, Spanish (Latin America and Spain), Turkish
  • As of: March 2023