Date 17 October 2019
Pages 281
Format cm 12 x 18
Price € 9.50
EAN 9791021040434
Publisher Website

The Universe in 100 Questions

Publisher Tallandier
Our solar system, the stars, the Big Bang… before the vastness of the universe, we are all children.

Why is night dark? What will happen when our Sun nears the end of its lifespan? Why do we say that we're all made of stardust? Why are planets round? Are we ever in danger of getting sucked into a black hole?
Our solar system, the stars, the Big Bang… before the vastness of the universe, we are all children. Jean-Pierre Luminet, a leading popularizer of astrophysics, rediscovers a childlike wonder in the face of the cosmos while providing a bit of structure to intergalactic space, and luminous, contemplative answers to 100 common questions.