Date 01 October 2020
Pages 103
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 11.80
EAN 9782021452334
Publisher Website

Toward a Universal Feminism

Publisher Seuil
COLLECTION La république des idées
GENRE Sociology
Neither postcolonial nor Western: toward a universal feminism.

While feminism is more essential than ever, it is being mishandled all over. On one hand, pseudo-radicalism is putting "white feminism" from Olympe de Gouges to the present day on trial. On the other, the far right is making feminism a weapon in wars over race, nation, and identity. Faced with such regressive, disinformational undertakings, we must urgently reaffirm liberation's worth and make a case for a universal feminism that is concrete and inclusive. Neither exclusively postcolonial or Western, feminism is a ongoing project, built from struggles and solidarity in acts of everyday life.

  • Rights Sold Spanish (South America)
  • As of: May 2023