Date 16 September 2022
Pages 393
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 22.00
EAN 9782021479683
Publisher Website


The New Sexual Civility
Author Irène Théry
Publisher Seuil
GENRE Sociology
#MeToo redefined the notion of consent. How does it affect us personally?

What does "consenting" to an intimate act mean? How can a society ensure consent without infringing on privacy? To unravel these issues, this book's six chapters assess the progress made since what might now be called a "power imbalance" was more widely known as "seduction." Théry sheds new light on the #MeToo revolution, which put forward a different idea of what might be desired, a new kind of sexual civility.
Reflective firsthand accounts complement the sociological chapter content. Théry shares her own experience of dilemmas and conflicts, but also moments of happiness that eased the travails of this politically committed sociologist.