Date 06 May 2021
Pages 453
Format cm 14 x 23
Price € 17.90
EAN 9782266310666

Beyond the Edge

Publisher Pocket Jeunesse
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
An unusual romance in the world of pirates, with a dash of magic!

Blake Jackson, 25, captains a famous pirate ship. Kind-hearted, but sometimes cruel, he has but one goal: fulfilling his dead father’s dream and finally living up to the expectations of a man who never believed in him. Callie, 18, is a determined woman who knows how to get respect. She’s been hiding from her father for 6 years, making a living by stealing valuable objects. One night, she meets Blake in a tavern. She ends up on his boat, and becomes a full member of the crew: a real pirate!
On their journey, Blake and Callie will have a choice to make: honoring true love or becoming a legend.

  • Sales in France 35,000 copies
  • As of: May 2023