Date 03 February 2023
Pages 107
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 14.50
EAN 9782381980485
Publisher Website

Minor Sentences

Publisher L'Arche
COLLECTION Des écrits pour la parole
The establishment calls them "delinquent." But what do they do? They dream. The walls are thick, but there's always a crack where the light comes in.

Who are these "delinquents"? What defines a "female minor," once locked up under state control in an educational center in 2023, or under church control at a Good Shepherd boarding school in 1957? Sara, 15; Vanessa, 14; Cindy, 16; Dakota, 13; Gisele, 18. A search of their belongings turns up headphones, perfume samples, a few coins, handkerchiefs, reports from school.
Peines mineurs is firsthand account of the repressions inflicted on young women, past and present. Legal documents, confessions, personal stories, and administrative statements begin to blur together under the gaze of God or surveillance cameras.