Date 22 April 2022
Pages 457
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 24.90
EAN 9782713229176
Publisher Website

Family Photo

A Feminist Perspective on the Life of the Mind
Author Coll.
Publisher Éditions EHESS
COLLECTION En temps & lieux
An examination of the institutionalization of "radical" feminist thought in "gender studies" and more broadly, in the French intellectual landscape.

Comprising interviews, photographs, and mind maps, this book examines the history of radical feminist thought. How did this critical tradition, long perceived as illegitimate and nonscientific, later come to be theoretically and intellectually institutionalized? How did awareness programs, occupation movements, and feminist knowledge make their way from the streets into the academy? Who brought then there? More than a mere reconstruction, a family photo exhumes networks, biographies, sociabilities, and ideas; it brings to light exclusions and the legitimacies involved in their making, as well as displaying the trajectories that constitute a life of the mind.