EAN 9782715234734
Publisher Website www.mercuredefrance.fr

My Mother Laughs

Publisher Mercure de France
COLLECTION Traits et portraits
A splendid immersion in Chantal Akerman's oeuvre, but also her heart—her sources of laughter, joy, and and pain.

From her first short film in 1968, at the age of eighteen, and her early movies, 1974's Je, tu, il, elle (I, You, He, She) andd 1975's classic Jeanne Dielman, to her last film freely based upon Joseph Conrad’s novel Almayer’s Folly, here, for the very first time, is the raw material of her life that she drew on for her work. In a spoken-word style that twists and turns around on itself, she explores her recurring themes: her close relationship with her mother, her homosexuality, her love for human beings, her ear for language and eye for detail, her all-embracing attitude towards life. Includes a selection of photographs by Chantal Akerman and stills from her movies.

  • Rights Sold USA, United Kingdom, Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Turkey, South Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia, Italy, Simplified Chinese
  • As of: May 2023