EAN 9782812315831
Publisher Website www.editionsepa.fr

An Illustrated Declaration of Women's Rights

Author Coll.
Publisher E/P/A
GENRE History - Sociology
A new look at women's rights, with illustrations!

Enforcing women's rights and gender equality around the world is everyone's struggle, and yet many battles have yet to be won. In this book, learn about the founding document of women's rights: the U.N.'s own Universal Declaration of Women's Rights and Olympe de Gouges' pivotal work from 1791, the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen. Featuring quotes both well-known and surprising from artists, authors, and politicians, this book consists of articles each accompanied by an artist's illustration, a one-of-a-kind artwork inspired by the historical texts in question. A golden opportunity to re-discover these landmark texts visually.