Date 27 April 2022
Pages 231
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782213721569
Publisher Website

Like an Eclipse

Publisher Fayard
When love, tears, and unspoken words of life have taken their toll, can feelings we once believed unshakeable remain intact?

Brune, Clément, Dimitri, Pio, and Fred have known each other since childhood. They have cemented their friendship by buying a house where they get together for vacations. Twenty years later, the years have flown, and the ties that bound them have gradually weakened. Dimitri, the charismatic leader of the gang, wants to reunite them all for his 45th birthday. But with the half-light of the eclipse expected that same weekend come unexpected confessions… A heartfelt and subtle story of a remarkable friendship made of shattered convictions and bursts of laughter.