Date 07 November 2019
Pages 143
Format cm 21 x 26
Price € 19.95
EAN 9782412050224

Yule Logs

Author Michel Tanguy
Publisher First
Category Practical Books
Find out all about yule logs, how to make them, and how to vary their flavors and textures like a pro!

In this book, find out all about the art of making yule logs, pulling them off with aplomb and even varying their flavors and textures like a pro!
- 20 recipes from chefs: Sébastien Gaudard's rolled log with chestnuts, Philippe Conticini's chocolate coffee log, Yann Couvreur's pecan and vanilla log, Pierre Hermé's rose and chestnut log, Jérémy Del Val's milk chocolate rocher-style log (Dalloyau), Nicolas Bacheyre's mango-passionfruit-coriander log, Masatoshi Takayanagi's chocolate log with red shiso jelly...
- Detailed instructions with close-up photos of every step along the way
- Everything you need to know about the right equipment and ingredients.