Date 17 August 2022
Pages 254
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782213722450
Publisher Website

One Last Job

Publisher Fayard
COLLECTION Littérature
When a young woman dives into the corporate world, its conventions and tragedies, she soon finds herself in over her head.

After losing her father a decade earlier, Eve’s first job marks a turning point in her life—or so she thinks. But the company that has hired her is facing a period of turmoil because of a trial related to a spate of staff suicides from ten yeard ago. Vincent, who is nearing retirement, experienced firsthand these tragic events that made headline news at the time. But what he remembers most is the period right after, when the company attempted to rebrand itself as a "people first" organization focused on "employee well-being." Was Vincent naïve to buy into this new corporate narrative? And why did he go to bat for Eve during the hiring process?