Date 17 August 2023
Pages 259
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 13.90
EAN 9782383491873
Publisher Website

Hill Mortem: The Wish of Eternity

Publisher Gulf Stream
Category Children's Books
Age 9-12
Un roman qui conjugue à merveille mystères et frissons en mettant en scène une famille aux pouvoirs spéciaux qui peut régler les soucis de l’au-delà.

A haunted house? A wicked spirit? A dark curse? There's only one solution! Call on the powers of the Spectral Family! To deal with problems from the afterlife, Callum's parents created a hit TV program: Spectral Adventures. This time, they're headed to Hill Mortem, where a cruel entity is tormenting a young girl. Used to communing with the souls of the dead, Calum and his dog Opale soon find themselves out of their depth in what seemed at first a routine. Indeed, they are entangled in an ancestral struggle between Good and Evil. With the fate of all humanity hanging in the balance!