Date 10 March 2021
Pages 282
Format cm 20 x 28
Price € 26.00
EAN 9782754825450
Publisher Website

Choosing Unemployment

An Investigation on the Roots of Economic Violence from Pompidou to Macron
Publisher Futuropolis
GENRE Non-Fiction
Age YAAdults
A highly topical work on choices, made by Europe’s leaders from the 1980s to today, that have sacrificed jobs in their countries.

A meticulous, well-documented investigation rich in firsthand testimonies from former ministers and IMF employees, presidential advisors, bankers, economists, lawyers, sociologists, and philosophers. Journalist Benoît Collombat investigates what brought about the dramatic change: how and why politicians "handed over the keys" of the world to leaders in economy and finance. This change rests on the ideological victory of neoliberalism, according to which the State’s role is to serve the market above all else.

  • Sales in France 50,000 copies
  • As of: August 2023