Date 02 September 2022
Pages 48
Format cm 26 x 18
Price € 9.90
EAN 9791023516869
Publisher Website

Bibir: A Little Help For a Witch

Publisher Seuil Jeunesse
SERIES Poverty, Explained to Children by Esther Duflo
Category Children's Books
Age 6-9
You’re never too young to ask questions. You’re never too young to try and understand. You’re never too young to want to do something to help!

In this series of 10 books, Nobel Prize laureate in Economics Esther Duflo introduces themes related to poverty to help parents talk about it in simple terms with their children.
Bibir lives in an imaginary village created by illustrator Cheyenne Olivier, but he could be from Africa, Asia or South America. In this picture book, readers will learn about his growing friendship with Konwu, an old woman everyone spurns because she is so poor. This provides an occasion to depict poverty in ways far removed from the prejudices, myths, and caricatures to which the poor are so often subjected.

  • Rights Sold English (India), Simplified Chinese
  • As of: August 2023