Date 18 February 2022
Pages 247
Format cm 13 x 19
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782369563112
Publisher Website

Life on Hold

Publisher Intervalles
Armand de Saint Sauveur, Publisher
"With invention, depth, and humor, this utopia/dystopia subtly addresses issues of death and old age besetting today’s societies."

When his wife and two children die, Tomas Fischer, truck driver and psychology doctorate, holes up in the small, remote town of Lasciate, where life seems to stand still: people drive slow, never drink, and are bored all the time.
Covertly, Tomas begins a new life on the outskirts of town, but Lasciate isn’t like other places. An unprecedented secret sets its citizens apart from ordinary mortals: they no longer die. Exploiting his newcomer status, Tomas starts providing services to people who wish to end their lives.