Date 06 October 2022
Pages 229
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 16.90
EAN 9782702922033
Publisher Website

The Secret of the Betty Lagoon

Publisher Guy Trédaniel
Would you have a cocktail served by the Universe?

After being dumped, Erika learns her grandmother has died. In her late beloved relative's belongings, she finds a strange journal filled with rules for life, personal anecdotes, and a cocktail recipe: the Betty Lagoon. This diary is the starting point for an extraordinary series of serendipities that will turn Erika’s life upside down. From France to Cambodia, she finds herself immersed in her grandmother’s past, trying to unravel the web of her family history. But this search is muddied by her own grief...

  • Sales in France 6,000 copies
  • As of: December 2023