Date 11 January 2023
Pages 64
Format cm 22 x 30
Price € 12.90
EAN 9782382330678
Publisher Website


Moon Horse
Publisher Drakoo
A sea monster sows terror in the turquoise seas and translucent lagoons of the planet Equinox! 

Since its moon exploded, Equinox has been a dying planet. After three years on Earth, Kamara returns to her homeworld, determined to save it. Unfortunately, she can no longer turn herself into a horse. As the only human in a world of animals, she is rejected everywhere she goes. But she also attracts the attention of a fearsome sea monster who sees a way to become human again. The wolf Tenebrae and the seahorse Arion will help her overcome her doubts and awaken a mysterious magic linked to the moon.
5-volume ongoing series, 2 volumes published.