Date 16 August 2018
Pages 36
Format cm 23 x 30
Price € 16.50
EAN 9782374251264
Publisher Website


High IQ
Category Children's Books
Age 3-66-9
With sensitivity and reserve, Weirdo tackles the daily life of a gifted, "high-potential" child. A powerful picture book about difference.

In Weirdo's head, everything is always very complicated, from packing his school bag to sleeping over a friend's house. He's always drowning in questions: do tyrannosaurs eat bananas? What was there before the Big Bang? But above all, is there a drug to stop you from thinking so much?
Weirdo wants to be just like all the other kids—especially his best friend, Mimi. But everything makes her sad. She cries over nothing and stays in her corner, afraid of everything. The teacher is worried; her parents, too. One day, they take her to see a lady with glasses who asks funny questions. With her help, Weirdo starts to understand…
With great delicacy and sensitivity, this picture book addresses issues of daily life for gifted or "high-potential" children. Out of step with their peers, often doing poorly at school despite their tremendous abilities, they are highly sensitive, with feelings more developed than average.
A finalist for the 2021 UNICEF children's literature prize (ages 6-8). Themes: managing emotions, mental health.

  • Sales in France 1,800 copies
  • As of: April 2024