Date 20 August 2020
Pages 88
Format cm 10 x 16
Price € 7.00
EAN 9782378560621
Publisher Website

A Manifesto for Artisanal Psychiatry

Publisher Verdier
COLLECTION "La petite jaune"
Keywords Psychiatry
This book could've been called: Against Industrial, Standardized, Digitized, Objective, Disembodied, Inegalitarian, and Fast Psychiatry.

The situation is serious: the powers that be have abandoned and impoverished public psychiatry, several leading lights of the profession agitate to establish managerial streamlining, and the most vulnerable patiences are paying the price for a healthcare economism devoid of scruples. Worrisome observations, when you know that one in three French citizens have suffered, are suffering, or will suffer from mental disorders. But it's not too late to bring back a small-batch, hand-tailored, artisanal that is considerate and respectful, taking its time with the quirks of every individual in treatment. Such is the hope of this manifesto.