Date 01 March 2023
Pages 182
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782415005474
Publisher Website

Enough of Positive Parenting

Author Didier Pleux
Publisher Odile Jacob
Appropriate discipline is necessary. An essential reflection on modern parenting choices, drawing on the author’s own childhood experiences.

Children who are constantly listened to and made to feel overly valued may become arrogant, disrespectful, and ignorant of others. By giving them everything they want, don't we risk spoiling them or turning them into little tyrants? Are you really parenting if you make no demands and set no limits, if your children never get upset? Isn't progress a matter of overcoming obstacles?
In this new book, Didier Pleux examines the principles of positive parenting, without of course, advocating a return to old-fashioned disciplinary methods, and defines appropriate discipline: providing care, firmly and in ways that may not always feel pleasant, in order to prepare children for the real world.