Date 04 October 2023
Pages 317
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 23.90
EAN 9782415006297
Publisher Website

How to Improve Your Concentration

A Guide to Overcoming Attention Deficit Disorders (ADHD) in adults
Publisher Odile Jacob
A program to help people with attention issues: keys to understanding their condition as well as exercises to help change behaviors and better manage emotions.

This book is the first guide to help adults suffering from varying degrees of day-to-day attention deficit disorders to reduce negative thinking, be better organized, and plan ahead. With the right strategies, you can train yourself to focus and develop your attention. The text also includes tools to correct the issues caused by ADHD, such as motivational difficulties, stress management, emotional hyper-reactivity, lack of perseverance, and mental fatigue.
The author also provides an overview of scientific research to help understand the origins of this disorder. Attention disorders, identified in 4% of adults, have become a concerning and debilitating phenomenon. Psychiatrist and psychologist Gérard Macqueron explains how to treat them.