Date 09 November 2023
Pages 254
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 23.50
EAN 9782749176048
Publisher Website

Where It All Begins

The First 1,000 Days
Publisher Le Cherche Midi
GENRE Medicine
Cyrulink and Isabelle Filliozat present the latest research on neurological development in young children in a handy guide for all audiences.

What if your child's first 1,000 days were the most important of their life? The latest scientific findings on babies' brain development challenge many beliefs and certainties. Based on these findings, four leading professionals guide you through your baby's development from the second trimester to their second birthday, using real-life case studies with detailed commentary and explanations. More than just a practical guide, this book gives parents and parents-to-be the keys they need to understand what's at stake in the first few months of their child's life, and implement the right techniques and vocabulary to ensure harmonious development. Pregnancy, childbirth, sibling relationships, language, walking, playing—these issues and more are clearly addressed in thematically organized chapters.