Date 07 October 2010
Pages 107
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 14.50
EAN 9782849531068
Publisher Website

States of Mind

COLLECTION Témoignages - Documentaires
Age YAAdults
A glimpse into the life of a vivacious young woman whose brilliant mind is caught in the ebb and flow of her mental illness.

The true story of a spirited young woman whose brilliant mind is caught in the grip of mental illness known as bipolar disorder. Constantly seesawing between transient euphoria and utter despair, Camille attempts to decipher the workings of her mind and treat her illness.
However, she discovers that determination on the patient's part is not always enough to cure the mind's ills, and the only way she can find a semblance of peace is when surrounded and supported, if not understood, by loved ones. Their compassion enables her to stay anchored in life, a buoy bobbing on the ocean's ebb and flow.