Date 30 June 2022
Pages 126
Format cm 11 x 18
Price € 13.00
EAN 9791031805207
Publisher Website


An Illness as Widespread as It Is Misunderstood
Publisher Le Cavalier Bleu
COLLECTION Idées reçues. Grand Angle
Depression affects nearly one in five people. This illness, with multiple origins and manifestations, is much publicized in the media but often downplayed in daily life.

The difficulties involved in describing this hidden suffering give rise to many preconceived ideas: "Depressed people are weak and lack willpower." "Depression is all in the mind." "All geniuses are depressives." "Antidepressants create an artificial state, you're no longer yourself." "People around you can't understand if they haven't been through it themselves." In clear, accessible language, Bernard Granger provides essential information about this universal and little-known condition.