Date 23 October 2014
Pages 186
Format cm 23 x 27
Price € 29.00
EAN 9782315006076
Publisher Website

A New Gendered History of Art

Publisher Max Milo
Category Art
Forgotten, effaced, downplayed in the history of art, women are making a comeback.

Does art have a gender? For a long time, it was male. But now we know that it wasn't just one man, an amazing "lone artist" who made all those prehistoric cave paintings, but rather groups—mostly groups of women, in fact. We know that so-called "grandmasters" just ran studios, that wives and students were often the real artists, hidden by the hypocrisies of their time. The Renaissance and all the other eras were filled with extraordinary female artists! It's high time we cleared away these hidebound notions from art history.